Payment options:
- Direct international bank transfer: Jyske Bank A/S.
Branch: Jyske Bank A/S, Vestergade 8-16, 8600 Silkeborg
Account Name: agri LIDA
IBAN: BK9306970000827797
Account Number: 0697 – 0000827797
SWIFT code: JYBADKKK - PayPal. Pay online at our website. (Transfer fee €43. The amount will appear on the invoice from agri LIDA)
- TransferMate. It is pretty simple and efficient! The pricing is very simple and transparent. TransferMate offers you a better exchange rate than the one offered by most banks.
When is payment due?
- When you accept a placement this is when you make a financial commitment.
- Payment is due 5 dayes from the date your invoice was issued. In order to facilitate administrative procedures, and only if you´re accepted, you´ll have to pay the fees easily after receiving the good news.
- When we get the payment we’ll be able to start gathering the documents and signatures on them. Invoices will be issued via email to you directly, or to any institution paying for its students. We don’t accept cash. All fees must be paid to before arrival.
International Bank/Wire Transfers costs.
Intermediary Banks or Wire Transfers deduct their charges directly from the amount being transferred. As a rule of thumb the fees of international transfers are around €25 – 43.
Terms & Conditions
The following terms of use apply to all participants who make use of the services provided by agri LIDA. Therefore please read our Terms and Conditions with care before accepting and signing the contract.
Contact agri LIDA to receive an individualised price.
- All prices are listed in EURO. Here is a Currency Converter just in case you need it.