agri LIDA

agri LIDA

Made in Denmark since 1999.

agri LIDA, etableret i 1999, har en stolt tradition for at tilbyde højkvalitets praktikpladser til internationale studerende inden for landbrugssektoren. Grundlagt af Ove Eenberg Larsen og Kristina Cesnaite Larsen, arbejder virksomheden ud fra danske værdier og tilbyder support og rådgivning på flere sprog, herunder engelsk, dansk, russisk og litauisk. Med et dedikeret team, der værdsætter et næsten familieagtigt miljø, sikrer agri LIDA et personligt forhold til både praktikanter og virksomheder.

Godt at vide

  • Vi er et Dansk firma og vi arbejder ud fra Danske værdier.
  • Vi er et lille team, venligt og internationalt. Vores idé er at holde et næsten familieagtigt miljø for at bevare et personligt forhold til vores kunder.
  • Vi mener, at alle har ret til at følge deres drømme.
  • Vi mener, at alle har ret til at være glade på arbejdspladsen og forfølge en succesrig karriere.
  • Vi tilbyder support og rådgivning på 4 forskellige sprog, engelsk, dansk, russisk og litauisk.


Made in Denmark since 1999.

agri LIDA Agriculture Internships Provider was launched in 1999 by Ove Eenberg Larsen og Kristina Cesnaite Larsen. We had a desire to provide high-quality internship placements for international students.

Good to know

  • We are a Danish company and we work on the basis of Danish values.
  • We is a small team, amiable and international. Our idea is to keep almost family like environment to preserve a personalized relationship with our customers.
  • We believe that everyone has the right to follow their dreams.
  • We believe that everyone has the right to be happy at work
    and pursue a successful career.
  •  We offer support and advice in 4 different languages, English, Danish, Russian and Lithuanian.

Our Values

Our Values represent what we believe in, and what’s important to us as an organization. Our Values guide our behaviors day-to-day, informing how we act, the decisions we make, and how we work with each other and our clients.

  • Integrity: We do what is right.
  • Excellence: We never stop learning and improving.
  • Courage: We think and act boldly.
  • Together: We respect each other and draw strength from our differences.
  • For Better: We do what matters.

Mød os

Kristina Cesnaite Larsen,

Kristina Cesnaite Larsen






Virksomhedsejer & rekrutteringsprogramkoordinator, webinar, partnerskaber osv. Daglig kommunikation med internationale partnere. Business owner & recruitment program coordinator, webinar, partnerships, etc. Daily communication with international partners.

Ove Eenberg Larsen,

Ove Eenberg Larsen

Ove Eenberg Larsen,






Koordinator for rekrutteringsprogram. Ansvarlig for hjemmeside, sociale medier og generel markedsføringsstrategi osv. Recruitment program coordinator. Responsible for website, social media and general marketing strategy, etc.

I am former farmer with lots of practical farming experience. I have been in the same situation as you are now. I would all like you to have the same great experience as i had at my internship in Canada.

Our Contact Information

  • Firma navn: agri LIDA ®
  • Vores adresse: Lille Tvedevej 12, 4700 Næstved.
  • Phone: +45 55 54 03 86. Calls from unfamiliar numbers are often ignored. Due to concerns regarding spam calls and unwanted messages, we often disregard calls from unfamiliar numbers. However, you can always reach out to us through the contactform at any time.
  • Monday – Friday: 9.00 AM – 16.00 PM 
  • Firma CVR No: 25077814. 
  • Follow us Facebook

Write to us

Please use the contactform. Please be as detailed as possible and be sure to include your correct contact details. We will get back to you very soon. 🙂

In-Person Meetings

In-person services at agri LIDA offices are available by appointment only. To ensure we can assist you effectively, we kindly ask that you schedule your visit in advance. To arrange an appointment, you can reach out to us through the contact form, and we will talk about your desired date and time for an in-person meeting.

Teams meeting

Are available by appointment only. We are more than happy to set up a Teams meeting if you would like to discuss the opportunities we are able to offer you and to know what your expectations are.

All images © 1999 – 2024 Ove Eenberg Larsen. Created by The agri LIDA Team. All right reserved.®